Dennis Hilgendorf
Candidate for Rock County Supervisor, District 21

Doing What's Right for the People of Rock County

The next Supervisor of District 21 needs to do what’s right for District 21 and the people of Rock County as a whole, not just a few in certain circles or fringe groups or their political “friends”.

As Supervisor of District 21, I pledge to work for you, the taxpayers, since government officials are elected by the people to do what’s best for those that elect them and pay taxes. As a business owner, I know what it’s like to not have enough money at times to pay the bills. The times that happened would be the time this owner of a business would make sure all of his employees got paid and would not take a dime in compensation. I wonder how many other Supervisors would do the same.

As your Supervisor, I pledge to:

Transparency in government

Integrity/ethics in government

Fiscally responsible

Why is Dennis qualified to represent you as Supervisor in District 21?

By working in business as long as he has, Dennis is used to working with many different and diverse groups of people, whether it be employees, customers, vendors, family, or organizations.

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